- AI increases cybersecurity challenges manifold for financial institutions: RBI Guv DasOn Friday RBI Governor said that with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity challenges can rise manifold, and called upon financial institutions to dedicate substantial efforts to protect customer information. Regulated entities serve as repositories of data on financial transactions, customer interactions, and operational activities, the governor said in his inaugural address at the… Read more: AI increases cybersecurity challenges manifold for financial institutions: RBI Guv Das
- Indian Bank SO Recruitment 2024, Apply Online Started For 146 Posts from 12-March-2024Indian Bank has released the India Bank SO Recruitment 2024 Notification on its official website, www.indianbank.in. Indian Bank, a leading public sector bank having its headquarters in Chennai has announced 146 vacancies for the position of specialist officer. The online submission of application forms has commenced on 12 March 2024 and will continue till 01… Read more: Indian Bank SO Recruitment 2024, Apply Online Started For 146 Posts from 12-March-2024
- Bank Peon new duties – As per the 12th BPS, now Bank peon will be known as Office AssistantBank Peon new dutiesSubordinate Staff/ Office Assistant may be assigned all the normal and routine duties of the cadre and for performance of which no special pay is payable. The following duties shall also be part of the duties of subordinate staff/Office Assistant. OLD NAME NEW NAME Sub-staff/ Peon Office Assistant Bill Collector/ Daftary Senior… Read more: Bank Peon new duties – As per the 12th BPS, now Bank peon will be known as Office Assistant
- Bank Clerk (Customer Service Associate) New Roles & Responsibilities as per 12 BPS w.e.f. 01-April-2024First of all, the name of clerk has been changed to customer service associate and their powers related to working in banks have been increased. The new duties of bank clerks are listed below. Duties of Customer Service Associate (CSA) (other than SBI): (w.e.f. 1″ April, 2024) :-
- 12th BPS New Salary and Arrears Calculator for Bank employees:
- Bank 12th Bipartite Settlement Signed, Salary increased by 17% for Bank Employees – Settlement Highlights:
- 5 Days Banking Confirmed, Now Banks will remain closed on all SaturdaysWe are pleased to inform you that 5 days banking has been confirmed, and as a result, banks will now remain closed on all Saturdays. This confirmation has been released by bank unions to its members, and reputable news websites have recently reported that the government is willing to approve 5 day banking and will… Read more: 5 Days Banking Confirmed, Now Banks will remain closed on all Saturdays
- डिजिटल बैंकिंग: भविष्य की ओर एक कदमडिजिटल बैंकिंग: भविष्य की ओर एक कदम आज के डिजिटल युग में, बैंकिंग क्षेत्र ने खुद को नए आयामों में स्थापित किया है। आज, हम एक ऐसे युग में हैं जहां डिजिटल बैंकिंग ने न केवल हमारे वित्तीय लेनदेन को सरल बनाया है बल्कि हमारे जीवन को भी अधिक सुविधाजनक और सुरक्षित बनाया है। डिजिटल… Read more: डिजिटल बैंकिंग: भविष्य की ओर एक कदम
- Supply Chain Finance:As a banker, understanding supply chain finance (SCF) is crucial, as it’s a key financial service that helps optimize working capital and liquidity in supply chains. SCF refers to a set of solutions that improve cash flow by allowing businesses to lengthen their payment terms to suppliers while providing the option for their suppliers to… Read more: Supply Chain Finance:
- Blockchain Technology & Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) explained in a lehman view:Blockchain Technology: Imagine a blockchain like a chain of toy blocks. Each block in the chain contains information. Once a block is added to the chain, it can’t be changed or removed, just like how it’s hard to change a block in the middle of your toy block tower without affecting the other blocks. This… Read more: Blockchain Technology & Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) explained in a lehman view:
- Innovative approaches to the Digital Rupee in IndiaThe innovative approaches to the Digital Rupee in India are primarily centered around enhancing security, efficiency, and user experience in the digital economy. The Digital Rupee represents India’s foray into digital currencies, aligning with global trends in financial technology. The dependency on physical cash and enhancing efficiency in transactions. These approaches aim to position the… Read more: Innovative approaches to the Digital Rupee in India